The most effective ways to prevent a cold

Category : Health | Written by : Iris Pohl

Flu season and annoying colds are upon us—but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Check out the best tips for staying healthy this winter!  

Soak up some sun every day

A Harvard study found that people with the lowest vitamin D levels were 36% more likely to have upper respiratory infections compared with those with the highest levels. Try to get enough sunlight (even in the winter months), eat oily fish regularly or take supplements to get the recommended amount each day.



This root is a natural antiviral which helps to fight illness and bacteria that cause cold. It contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which help to boost the immune system. Ginger acts as an antihistamine and decongestant which helps to ease colds symptoms. Plus, it contains chemicals called sesquiterpenes which are specifically used to target rhinoviruses (the most common family of cold viruses). Add it to your meals or drink fresh ginger tea regularly.



Honey provides great antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial properties, boosts the immune system and soothes sore throats and coughs. Add 1-2 tablespoons to your hot lemon water or ginger tea.



Did you know that lemon juice can kill harmful viruses on contact?  It has great antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties and is very rich in Vitamin C. During the winter months, hot lemon water is great for your immune system. If you don’t like the taste, just add some honey. But always make sure to use juice from real organic lemons, not from concentrate.



Garlic is great for infections and stimulates the body’s immune system. It works best when consumed raw, either crushed, diced, or minced. Overcooking garlic may destroy important medicinal compounds and the enzymes necessary for it to be effective.



Cayenne is high in Vitamin C and can help to overcome the effects of a cold. It supports the body’s immune system and in cases of stomach aches will often elicit a rapid return to normal gastrointestinal function. Cayenne is recognized by its characteristic “heat“, which stimulates the circulation in the body. It is also very effective with sore throats.


Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar contains powerful enzymes that promote digestion, balance the body’s pH levels, detoxify the body and fight bacteria and viruses.  Put it on your salad or try warm water with apple cider vinegar in the morning. It’s a great way to start the day and to feel more energized!


Avoid sugar

Not only does sugar cause weight gain, it also weakens your immune system. Sugary drinks or foods may prevent the immune system from doing its job to get rid of infections and bacteria. Yet, avoiding sugar is best done before a cold strikes.


Get your vitamins

There are several micronutrients that are essential for immune health – especially during the winter. Most people don’t get enough of these nutrients through their diets. Taking additional amounts of them when you are sick or if you’re already sick, can be a big help. These include: Vitamin C, A, D, Zinc, Selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids and Iodine.

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Iris Pohl

Fitness & Nutrition Expert | Licensed Sports Nutritionist | Certified Sports Journalist | TV Presenter

Iris loves encouraging others reaching their fitness goals and starting an active, healthy lifestyle. Her mission is to help women of all ages create a healthier, sexier, stronger, body and mind.

“Start. And keep going."