Increase your energy without caffeine!

Category : Food | Written by : Iris Pohl

Do you have trouble getting up in the morning and falling asleep at night? Then these little changes can make a big difference in your life.

#1 Avoid stimulants

Although energy drinks and coffee may give you a temporary boost of energy, they also create a cortisol surge, which will make it nearly impossible for your body to manage stress in the long run. Therefore, try to avoid caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes, as these stimulants can cause additional restlessness at night. Instead, opt for some healthy energy boosting alternatives like green tea, matcha, mate, guarana, dark chocolate or raw cacao.


#2 Get some sunshine daily

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, contributes to balancing mood and fatigue. According to studies, a vitamin D deficiency may cause a lack of energy, including depression and chronic fatigue. The majority of the vitamin D comes from the sunlight, only a small amount is found in foods. Sun exposure also boosts serotonin levels, which can improve mood and help you sleep better at night.


#3 Stretch yourself

Stretching is both a relaxing and rejuvenating activity that can help you unwind and release tension or help increase your energy levels during times of fatigue. Stretching helps fatigued muscles that have been stuck in one position and provides a number of additional benefits, that can help improve your overall physical and mental well-being.

#4 Cinnamon

According to a 2005 study from the North American Journal of Psychology, chewing cinnamon gum or even more effective, sniffing cinnamon-scented things has been shown to increase attention, memory and energy. To beat the afternoon slump, pop a piece of cinnamon gum, put cinnamon in your smoothies and yogurts or sniff on cinnamon essential oil.


#5 Nature

Get outside as often as you can. A change of scenery can change your mood immediately and give you a quick energy boost. A 2009 study from the Journal of Environmental Psychology found, that just 15 to 20 minutes outside can increase your energy as much as an espresso. Other studies have shown that even five minutes in a green environment upped the participant’s mood and self-esteem.


#6 Go nuts

Compared to other common snacks, nuts have an optimal nutritional composition of healthy fats, protein, fiber and important minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium. Healthy fats help you stay energized and full, and fiber helps the body digest the food slowly. So, if you feel tired, grab a handful of cashews, almonds or walnuts.


#7 Stay hydrated

This is the most important point when it comes to increasing your energy-levels. A 2015 British study found that one in five people who went to their doctors complaining of chronic exhaustion were actually just dehydrated. Even mild dehydration can slow your metabolism and sap your energy. The solution is simple – drink at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water each day.


#8 Avoid Stress

First of all, you have to identify all the stressors in your life, and then step-by-step or drastically reduce them. We all have particular circumstances in our lives that cause stress. If we can identify these triggers, we may be able to avoid them or reduce their impact. I suggest you think of triggers in three categories: people, substances and situations.

#9 Yawn

No joke! Yawning is your body’s way of cooling down the brain, essentially waking it up.


#10 Get moving

California State University have found that a brisk 10-minute walk can boost energy — more than a candy bar, for up to two hours. Get up as often as you can and move! Physical activity is important for staying fit, but it also promotes a feeling of well-being and increased energy. Pick activities you enjoy like walking, running, or biking and do at least ten minutes of physical activity each time. Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week.


#11 Change your diet

Sugar and processed foods are very stressful for your body. Especially sugar has an enormous impact on your mood and adrenals. The first thing you have to do is avoid all kinds of processed food. This will bring your blood sugar levels back into balance, and take an enormous burden of those poor tired adrenals. Try to eat a healthy, well balanced diet and check your vitamin B levels. Your body could be missing important nutrients and might need more iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium as well.


#12 Food intolerances and allergies

More and more research is pointing to a link between food allergies and sensitivities and chronic fatigue syndrome. Allergies to certain foods, pollen, metals and other environmental chemicals may be causing the rising number of individuals with chronic tiredness. Visit your doctor for a check-up.


#13 Eat small, frequent meals

If you’re skipping breakfast and eating a big lunch, you’re sabotaging your morning AND afternoon productivity. Any time you eat too much, you’ll feel tired and pigged out. To maintain a consistent energy level throughout the day, opt for several small meals with snacks in between. Eating this way, ensures that your body is consistently supplied with fuel throughout the day.


#14 Try some superfoods

If you have sugar or caffeine cravings, get some superfoods instead, like goji berries, dark chocolate or raw, unsweetened cacao. Goji berries are high in iron, Vitamin C and provide a lot of health benefits. Raw cacao can be consumed as a powder in a smoothie or yogurt. It is also full of minerals and nutrients with healing properties, such as the compound theobromine, which provides energy to the body and mind.

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Iris Pohl

Fitness & Nutrition Expert | Licensed Sports Nutritionist | Certified Sports Journalist | TV Presenter

Iris loves encouraging others reaching their fitness goals and starting an active, healthy lifestyle. Her mission is to help women of all ages create a healthier, sexier, stronger, body and mind.

“Start. And keep going."